Arry's 'omecoming
By Rebecca
location: The Shire
Arry’s home: Eve (ening), Ollie, Esmerelda, Olive, (Arry), Winnie
Go into temple
- Sylvie detects fey creatures in the area
- Ulfgar’s prayers answered -> go to troll house
- Discover anvil covered in rust from other stuff
- made of mystery. Metal
- Bring anvil into temple
Arry hits anvil REALLY well: (100 percentile)
- wishes everyone to be ok
- anvil: says family is ok but Winnie (sister) will be lost in 1 week
Loot: 4736 gp in hag’s stuff, broken mandolin, boots of elven kind
Arry is going to the shire
- Pick up travel supplies in Myrinath
- send Bram (Raven) ahead to scout (18 hour travel)
- 2 days of travel by horse to Shire
- Bram gets to house first overhears Eve’s tea party gossip
- Bram warns Eve party is on the way
- Arry’s house is tricked out, Eve gone crazy with money
Winnie not allowed to see boyfriend Brimble Grumbottom
- Mom dresses up and hosts a fancy dinner, but no are besides Ash appears to know actual etiquette
- Winnie sneaks up to her room
- Fender freaks out over apple pie
- Winnie goes MIA from her room
Party goes looking for Winnie.
- Not at Brimble’s house, not at creek
- message Winnie:
- “Winnie, it’s Arry, I went to check on you and you weren’t there. Where are you? Are you ok?”
- Winnie: “I’m fine, you ruined everything but were gonna fix it”
Sylvie goes he talk to Benji the day
- Benji is an Imperial steep dog mutt
- Benji Saw Winnie & her boy go
- Benji goes to find Winnie, Sylvie follows
- Circles through town and tracks scent to mayor’s house
- Old lady opens door
- We “missed” the wedding
Try to fix things with Winnie
- plan second wedding
- tell dad, let him handle mom freakout
- All is well, not missing/lost at all