Chaos House, Floor One, Zogres
By Rebecca
- Day after the cage match, morning at The Scrawny Toad
- Ash apologizes to Otis’ crews for almost killing them
- Go to Vulcan temple to investigate chaos symbol
- Hammering guy statue outside, doors flanked in fire
- Fancy stone work which impresses Ulfgar
- “It’s good… for elves”
- Alter inside is a giant anvil
- Ulfgar strikes anvil and gets a vision of beggar outside
- Ash (disguised as Gaius the pilgrim) takes hammer, Arry helps him strike
- Priest talks to Ulfgar describing creature from boat house
- Arry & Ulfgar are suspicious of Gaius
- Priest recommends we try the university for more info
- Ulfgar talks to beggar (Gitch) outside the temple
- Gitch was kicked out of his place by guy with is symbol
- Gitch is missing his leg, and all his stuff
- Gitch’s old place looks like a halloween house all boarded up
- Ulfgar & Ash try to break in, Arry hates this
- Fender inspires the group (1d8)
- Ulfgar opens door and sees zombies (Big + small)
- Arry Rages when zombie hits Ulfgar
- Fender does fire damage
- Ulfgar scares zombies “no rage - no mage”
- Moog sees even scarier ghosts upstairs
- Fender takes forever to cast tiny hut
- Ghost possesses Ulfgar, so ??? KO Ulfgar
- Fender cure wounds Ulfgar, long rest in tiny hut