Dryad Cure
By Joe
In Gildenheim, Metellus Simba tells Fauna there is news about her grandmother & directs her to the inn where a traveler is staying.
The traveler introduces himself as Gracchus and gives Ash a package to deliver to her grandmother to stop a slow-wasting disease she may have.
Gracchus says he served with Immitis in the Silva Vetus where he contracted the disease. He obtained the cure and has been distributing it to old comrades.
The package is wrapped in paper and contains a powder. The powder spills and contacts Ash’s skin and infects Ash with a disease sometimes known as the “Night Shadows”.
Ash travels north to meet up with the party and to find Ulfgar for healing. Ulfgar knows of the disease - it is a common childhood illness in many folks adjacent to the Underdark. It takes a certain type of mushroom harvested in darkness to cure.
Ash and Ulfgar set out to seek the mushroom in a nearby swamp. They battle Bullywugs and blights and eventually find a couple of small islands where Dryads live. Ash and Ulfgar talk with the dryads, Cypress and Tupelo, and find that the dryads are not fans of the Empire and are thinking of joining with Vercingetorix and the centaurs. In exchange for getting the Empire to negotiate directly with the dryads, and a personal promise from Ash and Ulfgar to never hew living wood, the dryads create an elixir of properly harvested mushrooms of the correct type that cures Ash of the Night Shadows.
Ash and Ulfgar return to Outpost XVII and hold up their end of the bargain by getting Simba to dispatch a team of imperial negotiators to the swamp.