Heal the Landshark before killing it
By Rebecca
- We go back into Gildenheim with bugbear body
- Imperial officer: Metallus Simba, finds the group
- toward Ash “Fauna” have you heard… worried voice
- when did you encounter the bug bears
- Travel to plot 4444 (PLMMMCDXLIV)
- Imperial army going that way: Ash would not want that
- Benj * 4 half elf sons (aden voss geo …) traveling that way
- They are headed that way following the river
- we buy 3 draft horses from Decius the horse guy
- Amerigo (Arry & Fender) Salad (Ulfgar) 3 (Sylvie)
- Rest and hit the road with Benj and the boys
- when terrain is sketchy Benj Boys scout ahead
- Day 1: nothing happens, pass legion patrols , wolf riders on other side of river, Arry is BFF’s with Amerigo
- Benj Boys: lived outside Fellacium, Rich $, had a ranch there, many tragedies, wife died, was in the legion
- Day 2: nothing happens
- Day 3: end of day hear “thump” Hoss & Ulfgar scout out
- land shark is trapped on its back between hills
- Ulfgar heals the creature, it rights itself and attacks
- Party kills land shark
- Camp and rest, hear wolf riders in distance
- Day 4: get to plot around noon. help Benj fortify & camp
- Ulfgar, Arry, Sylvie, & Fender go to outpost 17
- Imperial patrols warn us of danger, spell casters looking for shark(???)
- we get sigil to negotiate with centaurs
- no problems with centaurs until building outpost 17
- At plot 4444
- remnants of lean-to shelter and fencing
- mule body (dead a few reeks) in pieces
- hoof prints present
- Go back to outpost 17 to rest up
- will go to centaurs to negotiate
- Will riding horses offend centaurs?
- Centaur base north of fjord