Sons of Nk, Gildenheim Bugbear Ambush
By Rebecca
New News in the Myrinath Mirror
- Homesteading is more dangerous than the empire forcasted
- Go to Farm Bureau to do research
- building is blocked up and “closed for renovations”
- Ash says they are leaving a message for a friend
- Not long between people passing standard lock door
- Meet Mary who was going to farm bureau to find family
- have form and letter for family
- Family was supposed to send for son Felipe but didn’t
- Judith & Julius Septus Plot number PL 4444
- meet Crassus Maximus returning from homesteading
- Crassus left with his 2 brothers
- Lost part of his arm with the danger
- Danger -> rumble rumble stopped and started
- pitch black and killed brothers with arrows
- couldn’t hit the land shark which made the rumbling
- Ash does not went to go to the ministry of defense
- More homesteading information
- most licensees are high elves due to needed funding
- those going out to the frontier are more diverse, may be paid
- Talk to Tom at the Myrinath Mirror
- News room has 4-5 desks & a elfish (Tom) directing others
- “we can sell more papers with cool info”
- Tom hires Fender (whole party) to go to frontier for stories
- Tom will deliver Mary’s form
- Tom directs es to Nkmk @ bar or temple on J street
- News room has 4-5 desks & a elfish (Tom) directing others
- J street is temple district & home of Nkmk
- Ulfgar finds Nkmk in a bar. Nkmk tells him:
- every 5000 years evil + chosen one shows up
- they’ve gotta get the spheres back
- they don’t know what the evil is, not monster, vibe
- legend describes Desna -> consort of NK
- said she would be back with the spheres because they are not safe on material plane
- They will send group to, Ensesnakarcandam (south)
- mostly church folk going
- Ulfgar finds Nkmk in a bar. Nkmk tells him:
- we take a boat tor Gildenheim
- mostly mercenaries & collectives on our boat
- we see wildflowers & rural 3 day trip & military boats with beat up passengers going back
- Gildenheim has old west feel, I tavern surrounded by tents
- dismantling an imperial field hospital
- farm bureau open -> 1 guy with a few clerks validating claims
- Local rumors about bugbears accosting travelers between Gildenheim & outpost 6, picking on the weak
- Road goes through the trees and looks like ideal ambush
- Ash & Sylvie scout ahead and find bugbear tracks
- Ash rings a bell and tries to persuade them to come out “don’t want to be ambushed, just went to talk”
- Fender tricks bugbears into thinking bugbears are coming
- Bugbears run. Chief taken down by archers, bound + brought back
- We go back to town
- Cartmaker
- Septus
- Crassus
- Tom
- Mary
- Felipe
- Judith
- Julius
- Nkmk
- bugbear
- elf
- high-elf
- combat
- farm bureau
- homestead
- Myrinath
- J Street
- Desna
- Gildenheim
- Ensesnakarcandam
- Nk