Widow Ambrel and Charlie "Chaotica"
By Rebecca
Joe, David, Rebecca, Spencer, Kuba
* Print character pics *
Ash’s rapier has unknown script on the hilt and blade
Ulfgar has short beard, young, plate mail with heraldry
Widow Ambrel
Group is at bar after Arry’s defeat, guy crying over cats
- Ulfgar goes looking for cat info
- Ash has already scoped out cat lady / widow’s house looking for signs of thieves’ cant
- Group meets in the morning
- Widow Ambrel lives in a respectable community
- fence around it, cracks in steps, thieve’s cant “leave it be”
- big yard next to a cemetery (mostly old officer graves)
- Ash saw no cats
- Arry finds black cat but could not follow it
- Old elf lady answers door and believes Ulfgar & Arry are kids
- gives Ulfgar & Arry blood mint candy
- cats been going missing for a few months
- Misty Camilla Rodger Flower (5 cats 4 missing)
- cats don’t go outside & wear collars
- Charlie is only other person in the house
- Charlie tries to keep group out of his room
- Charlie seems off but is apparently a teen elf kid
- Room is overly tidy, not a typical teen room
- Searching hallways upstairs
- Charlie came to widow from Athena’s convent
- cats avoid Charlie, he pets them too hard
- Key to basement is missing
- Searching attic: fully searched, ransacked;
- chair drag marks show it was searched by someone short
- Blu (?) was too shy to find
- Search outside to look for exits, holes in windows, etc.
- Cellar door has a lock on it -> Ash picks lock
- down into cellar with dancing lights to light the way
- Marching order Ulfgar Arry Fender Ash
- basement has oblong graves with skeletons climbing out
- Ulfgar runs back to door
- Fender casts, Ashshoots, Ulfgar casts, Arry Rage
- Skeletons & Flower (ex cat) attacle Arry
- Heal Ash
- Find cat bodies + collars -> appears they were dissected
- Find notes and books on table on far wall
- Wrap up and collect cat bodies, collars outside wrapping
- Bring widow the cats
- she is wraps cats and look at notes
- notes are from husband’s work
- Party Convinces widow to talk to Charlie
- Ulfgar & Amy are inside with the key to door
- Ash & Fender are outside to watch window
- Charlie casts spell and steps into the mist
- Ash bursts into the window
- Arry persues
- Charlie runs into the [cemetery] and we lose him
- Search his room
- Charlie called himself “Chaotica”
- Spellbooks were stolen
- key to the cellar in Charlie’s room
LEVEL UP (average hp)
- Ambrel
- Charlie
- Blu
- Camilla
- Flower
- Misty
- Rodger
- cat
- high-elf
- skeleton
- elf
- giant
- orc
- rapier
- combat
- Athena's Convent
- Widow Ambrel House
- Cemetery
- Blood Mint
- Stolen Spellbooks
- 151st Legion
- severed heads